Framework svelte is used in our project, it supports fast deploys and is reactive. There is also a VSC extension. Here’s an example:
{#if $user}
<span class="loading loading-spinner text-discodes loading-lg"></span>
We use tailwind for our CSS framework, it´s not just easier, but also better. It uses class names.
See class names directly in project here
Hide class names when they are a lot of them with this VSC extention
Is a Tailwind plugin used to make UI and DX better and faster. DaisyUI Has 53 navite components including buttons, modals, etc.
Supabase is an open source Firebase alternative. It is used as authentification provider for the discord oAuth2 and for database management using the SQL language.
We currently use vercel as our website hosting. All branches, merges and commits will be automatically created a preview link by vercel. Preview links are used to visualize the changes made before pushing to main. All commits or merges to the main branch will update the website.